On behalf of the UNFPA West Africa Sub-Regional Office, we conducted an institutional analysis of the regional reproductive health (RH) training and research institutions IRSP Benin, ISSP Burkina Faso and CEFOREP Senegal. We determined the existing capacities as well as the potential of the institutions that could participate in capacity building in the countries of the West Africa sub-region in terms of training and research in the field of RH in general and in particular Emergency Obstetrical and Neonatal Care, family planning and the strengthening of human resources for Maternal and Neonatal Health.
In partnership with AEDES Belgium, we have carried out a relocation study and provided a financial proposal for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the sites of the National Supply Pharmacy (PNA) Senegal. The feasibility study was carried out according to national and international construction standards and the specific technical constraints related to the storage of medicines. The mission resulted in an economically and financially viable proposal. This study presents the different options taking into account the constraints and the economic and financial resources of the structure.
The Government of the Togolese Republic has received a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) for the implementation of the Private Sector Development Support Project (PADSP). This project aims to promote the development of the private sector through support for the improvement of the investment climate, support for the development of entrepreneurship and support for the creation of a new free trade zone.
Our mission was to carry out a diagnostic on the need for management skills development with a sample of 40 companies on:
Study on the feasibility of integrating Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) vaccines and other medicines and health products into the supply system of the National Supply Pharmacy (NSP) Senegal – OPTIMIZE/WHO
The work carried out were:
Feasibility Study for the Health System Strengthening Project focused on Reproductive Health in the Louga Region (Senegal) in partnership with the Center for International Cooperation in Health and Development (CCISD) of Canada.
The objective of the feasibility study is to provide the Ministry of Health and Social Action and AFD with all the elements necessary to design a Health System Strengthening Program in the areas of reproductive health, family planning and child health at the central level and in the Louga Region, which AFD wishes to support.
This involved identifying the needs of the health system, particularly in the Louga Region, in terms of:
Feasibility study for the project to improve maternal, child and adolescent health in the regions of Kolda and Sedhiou (Senegal). In particular, the aim is to specify the content of the activity components that will be financed by AFD, their operational implementation modalities and the budgetary framework of the financing (financing circuits, contracting modalities).
In partnership with AEDES Belgium and financed by AFD, our work focused on:
The study provided the Ministry of Health and Social Action and AFD with all the elements necessary to design and size a program to improve maternal, infant and adolescent health in the regions of Kolda and Sédhiou in Senegal.
Support for the evaluation of the logistics costing tool of the African Association for Essential Drug Purchasing (ACAME)
The technical support aims at enabling ACAME to propose a reliable tool allowing harmonized negotiations between the Purchasing Centres and the Global Fund Principal Recipients for the establishment of costs related to logistics services (procurement, customs clearance/transit, storage and distribution) provided for the Global Fund or other partners who finance health products.
Our work consisted of:
Validate the assumptions of the calculation model,
Conduct an update of the computer tool,
Complete the user guide,
Produce recommendations for interpreting the results generated by the tool.
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